Monday, September 24, 2018

A Bad Case of Mom Guilt

Feeling the mom guilt HARD today. 

My allergies got the best of me this weekend and, to say I'm miserable, is an understatement. The baby also woke up snotty and puffy eyed so we are a matching pair. No fevers, thankfully, but I almost wish we had one. I'm supposed to take her to gymnastics this morning and I just can't. When I'm not blowing my nose, I'm sneezing. 

So, why do I feel so guilty about missing this optional activity with her? Is it just mom guilt or is it my anxiety manifesting itself as perfectionism? I'd like to think I'm a smart woman so I know I should take care of myself, but I have the hardest time staying home because I'M SICK. In fact, it's so bad that I took an allergy pill this morning so I can rationalize to myself that now it is not safe for me to drive across town to my 15 month old's gymnastics class. 


I still feel guilty.

And it's Monday.  

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Egg Fast Diet Success!

I mainly posted about this on my Instagram Account , but I've had a few followers reach out with questions about it so I decided to dust off the old blog to jot down my thoughts on my second Egg Fast.

The plan I followed is from fellow blogger, I Breathe I'm Hungry.  You can find the plan HERE.

I've followed this plan once before over 2 years ago so I decided to refer back to it this time, although there are other Egg Fasts out there.

But why you ask?

I decided to follow this plan because June consisted of 2 weeks of fun albeit unhealthy eating and I knew without stepping on the scale that I'd gained back some of the 20 + pounds I'd recently lost.

An egg fast would help me clean out my liver, get back the energy I so desperately needed and help me loose the bloat.

Did I succeed?

Hell yes!

Do I hate eggs now?

Kinda.  I did eat 3 almost 4 of the cartons that I bought to do this.

How much weight did I lose?

5 pounds which is what I gained back from all that celebrating and vacationing.  The first time I did one I lost 6 or 6.5 pounds in 7 days.

What will I do now?

My plan of attack now is to keep eating at least one egg based meal a day and keep fasting for 16 hours minimum a day.  I think I am also going to work on fasting 24 hours at least once a week.

Why Intermittent Fasting?

Well now, that's a question for another post.

Questions about the egg fast?  Please message me.  I'll try to answer them the best I can. 

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