I've since run this race finishing it in 1:47. I couldn't have enjoyed it more! You can read my write up of it HERE.
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In less than 13 hours I'll be standing at the starting line of my longest race to date - the
North Shore 10 Miler in Ipswich, MA. My training plan calls for 11-12 so I'll be hitting the treadmill nice and early so I can get a solid mile in at minimum before I leave for the coast.
Although my goal race isn't for another 3 weeks, a lot of preparation has gone into this race as well. I started my Half Marathon training back on February 1 keeping in mind that I would be training for this race in the process. This 10 miler is a "training race" for me. It will allow me to test my pre-fuel, fueling and recovery process. Also, I will be running in new shoes so it will allow me to test those as well. Not to mention the new calf sleeves (for compression), socks that prevent blisters and my new sparkle skirt although I don't think it will be warm enough to test out that one. Boo.
In the week leading up to this race I've been working hard to make sure my nutrition is on point, lots of water, a
New Nuun Active: Hydrating Electrolyte Tablets, Citrus Berry Mix, Box of 4 Tubes
every day and tons of protein and veggies. The 2 days prior I bumped up my carb intake too even though my body isn't a fan and doesn't always like to absorb it. I eat the healthier carbs like quinoa.
Cardio the day before the race. For me not my dog. |
Since this race is on the coast and cell reception is likely to be spotty I got some assistance from my wonderful husband to download songs for a new playlist. I'm hoping 2 hours is long enough. Let's face it if it's not than I'll just listen to myself cry my way to the finish line. I'd really like to finish around 1:45.
In case you are curious, my run will start with the song
"Misirlou" from the Pulp Fiction Soundtrack and will continue to be fun but low key for the first 45 minutes. Then halfway through around mile 5 Queen's
"Don't Stop Me Now." Yes, I think of Shaun of the Dead every time I hear it which makes me laugh. Finally, a little GNR to get me through the last push with "
Welcome to the Jungle." I'll know I am taking too long if I hear Johnny Cash's "
Ring of Fire." Here's hoping this extra mental motivation will work!

My pre-race fuel and my recovery drink are both from
Vega Sport Pre-Workout Energizer, Acai Berry, Tub, 19oz
I'll be fueling up around mile 5 with my gummy
Honey Stinger Organic Energy Chews, Fruit Smoothie, 1.8 Ounce (Pack of 12)
and Nuun will be in my hydration pack.
As you can see, I like to be prepared. Here's hoping all of these pre-race rituals will pay off!
Good night!